Part 2: A Walk Through the Central Part Of Academic Side Of Campus
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
So we're right now walking back to Adam's Playhouse. A lot of the concerts that go on four on for theater or for, uh, music majors and stuff like that. In this building, we have so many things, so many different theaters actually on campus, to be completely honest. Well, because this is where Wei had a lot of, like, our welcome week as a freshman. Yeah, a lot of our stuff that we do during Welcome week. A lot of people are coming in and out as you could see of this building. You have had friends that our orchestra like that do stuff in this building, so that's pretty cool. So if you've seen it, pictures of this building on line, um, it used to have like, pillars. Um, a lot of times you have festivals, we'd show out here and yeah, and I'm going to walk around.