Nora Rabah (MS/MBA 2022) - Why HBS?

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Hi, My name is Nora Rava, and I'm a first year or R C student at Harvard Business School. I'm pursuing an M S, N b A in biotechnology, offered in collaboration between Harvard Business School and the Harvard University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Things is the first year the dual degrees offered, and I've really been enjoying it so far. I'm in a core of 11 students who are extremely passionate about life sciences and its applications. I chose HBs because of the schools lofty mission to change the world. I know that sounds far fetched, but I do believe that each individual is focused on finding purpose and making sure their career is being impactful on both societal and personal levels. I applied as a two plus two applicants, which meant that in my senior year of my undergraduate degree at Cornell University, I was able to apply to Harvard Business School and defer for at minimum two years and at maximum four years where I would initially get some work experience during that period. I personally loved the to post to method because it gave me flexibility during my time working to make sure that I was choosing jobs that were really aligned to my passions, and I had the security of knowing that I was going to Harvard Business School very soon.