Laura Sandoval (MBA 2021): About me!
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Hi, My name is Laura Sandoval, and I am a second year student at Harvard Business School to share a little bit about me. There was raised earlier in my childhood in Neema, Peru, which is where pretty much all of my family is from and spent most of my schooling in South Florida and Central Florida. So South Florida's where I did middle school through high school and Central Florida is where I went to undergrad University of Florida Go Gators at the University of Florida. I majored in marketing, and I minored in Portuguese and during my time there, I knew pretty early on that I wanted to go into business. So right after graduating from from the US, I went over to Minneapolis, Minnesota, so packed my bags from Sunny Florida and moved up north to work at General Mills in a marking communications role. That was a lot of fun on, and I ended up actually being in that role for about a year before switching over to a more sales marketing used type of role and moved over to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. So after 2.5 years with General Mills in both Minnesota and in Pennsylvania. I wanted to transition to a much smaller company, see what that was like and try out e commerce since. So the role that I actually ended up going for was an e commerce strategy roll with ah supplements company called Harvey's Natural and after about a year or so with that company and actually got acquired by Johnson and Johnson. It was just interesting to see how I went from one big company in the consumer goods space to another big company in the consumer goods space. So during my time as Arby's natural, I was doing some reflecting and figured that it was probably best for me to go back to school, just given some certain aspirations that I had and use some specific reasons for why it made sense to go back to school that I'll share in a little bit on DSO Now I find myself here at Harvard Business School on right now. This is well, you see a little bit of it but this is my on campus apartment. The cool thing about H B s is that they have both dorms and apartments on campus, so it's extremely convenient to pretty much either visit a friend or, you know, study somewhere that's not in your apartment or take classes. Eso that's that's been a huge, huge blessing in itself, Uh, just to step a little bit outside of career and and all of that just to share a little bit of interest of mine. I'm very passionate about social impact as someone who grew up low income and someone who is a first generation college student is very, very important for me to help others with similar backgrounds reach their own definition of success is academic personal? Andi. I felt that given what I've lived through and what I have accomplished, that I could help be a guiding light in a guiding source to to someone who made who may be struggling. So I found it a nonprofit a few years back, and that has been such a joined the light to be involved with and kind of helping others with similar backgrounds is mine. So that social impact I'm also interested and passionate about sustainability, specifically consuming less, um, in terms of waste and and generating less waste. The best of my ability I try wherever I can to bring my reusable bamboo utensils, my reusable water bottle. I try to bring reusable totes with me to the grocery store. So here and there wherever I can just leave a positive imprint on this planet.