Laura Sandoval (MBA 2021): Classes at HBS

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There's literally just about anything and everything you can imagine being involved with. There's, um you know, tons of different sporting clubs. They host these really awesome year end reviews for your first year. Um, really, really great to kind of just catch up to speed on all the concepts that you've learned your first year and really cement them before final exams. My involvement with the W say last year was as part of the Events team, and that was fun and helping to bring different events to campus that would be beneficial, toe the women on campus and, you know, whichever of the men wanted to join in, Um, I was able to bring in an alum who runs personal finance courses. On day, she was able to kind of run a course for for some of the students here so that was fun. My involvement with, um last year was through as a diversity and inclusion rep. The third organization that I was involved with was the Marketing and Advertising Club. So given my background coming from marketing but also my interested in marketing as well, I I wanted to remain involved in that club. I know that they bring in some really cool and interesting speakers. Last year I actually helped plan conference, And so what was fun about this is that I got toe pretty much craft my own panel, and I talked a little bit about so far impact. Um, and I was actually able to kind of create a panel where I'm urged the world of social impact and consumer packaged goods. So it was great to bring speakers from, like, you know, um, Reebok, for example, was there as well as a few others from really interesting companies to speak on their experience. So that was that was really fun toe to be a part of. As faras classes go, it's interesting because your first year it's pretty much what's called RC required curriculum, so you don't choose any of your classes your first year. So your first year you take, you know, your typical classes like finance, accounting, marketing, strategy, technology and operations management. I don't know if I mentioned section mates earlier, but think of them is like cohort of people that you take all of your classes with your first year and essentially become, you know, people that you get to know very, very well throughout the year because it's it's literally you and them. 93 other thumbs, um, in one room eso all the jokes, all the comments like you got to know each other very well. Back to what I was saying you're taking You're taking your these really interesting classes with these groups of folks. Um, it's pretty much like a general management overview of anything and everything under business that you'd want to know and want to learn about. So that's first year, second year, which is what I'm in now. I'm taking a few entrepreneurial courses and then to kind of very popular courses at HBs. So I'm taking negotiations, which is super fun. We've actually gotten the chance to negotiate in person, obviously socially distance and with masks on. A second class is building sustainable and successful enterprises, the SSC, for short, and that's been really great. That Z that class is the legacy of play Christian sins very well regarded, Professor Um and, uh, that class is just chock full of frameworks that I know I will carry with me. I'm going to save so many notes from that class and take with me thio and apply toe whatever business scenario, I'm in, um, in the workforce for years and years to come. Then the three entrepreneurial classes that I'm taking one is entrepreneurial finance, and that's been really interesting. Toe learn a little bit more about Cap Table's financing structures. Founders Journey is another entrepreneurial course course I've been taking, and that's been around just the founders entrepreneurial journey, the ups and downs, the roller coaster. We've gotten some really interesting guest speakers to come to class, obviously virtually but to speak to us about you know, what they've gone through. That's been super super enlightening as I seek to pursue an entrepreneurial career path later on. Down the line on another class that I've taken is law management and entrepreneurship. That's been interesting, super practical class in terms of providing no legal jargon and how to apply some legal concepts, uh, to, you know, issues that may come about in founding. Ah, new company, um, another kind of business situations as well that weren't necessarily entrepreneurially focused. The last class that I'm taking is actually new one offered this year. It's called Conversations on Leadership and this the unique class. Listen Thio really amazing HBs alum and leaders that I'm sure you all would recognize folks from Mitt Romney to country in the lake who was a founder of Stitch Fix Thio, you know, just Cheryl Sandberg really, really incredible people. They get to share a little bit about their leadership philosophies and they're walks in life throughout their leadership journey. So that's been great to be able to just discuss and here everyone's own personal leadership philosophies. You know how they plan to take away certain things and apply certain things toe their lives.