Kaelyn Griffin (MS/MBA 2021) - MSMBA Program Details
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Hi. My name is Kelly Griffin, and I'm a second year M s n b a student here at Harvard Business School. In this video, I wanted to talk a bit more about how I view the MSN BA program and why I decided to apply to it. So I actually applied to the standard MBA program here at Harvard Business School through the to pursue program back when I was still in undergrad. So basically what happened was I was given an opportunity to apply for a spot in a later class here at Harvard Business School after I would complete 2 to 4 years of real world work experience. So I applied and was accepted as a standard MBA. But while I was out working, they came out with this m S N b A program, which is a two year, joint degree program with the engineering school. It's a massive science of engineering sciences as well as an MBA. So I decided to apply, and I was admitted, and I'm part of the second cohort of this program, so it's still really new, and the class sizes are also pretty small. Um, each cohorts about 30 people right now a bit less so in the third cohort because of Coben. We all come from technical background of some sort, most of us engineers and we all kind of connect on a certain level because we all have an interest in staying somewhat technical. We came to get an MBA. So we all have high ambitions for ourselves and high hopes of what we could be doing in the future. I think one of the things that makes our program unique is the focus on entrepreneurship. From what I've heard from some other m S N B A. Programs are program through different speakers through projects or courses that we have to take. Focus is a lot more on starting our own startups or being able to join startups that tend to have a more technical focus to them, and this could be both software and hardware. I think one of the hopes of the program is that once we graduate, we will be equipped to be technical leaders that can go out into different companies or start different companies that can work on tough technical problems and being able to make a real difference in the world because we have the background that we do. I think it's something that the program is still learning how to do to the best of its ability. So because it is still so early, there is still Ah lot toe learn as faras. What projects work, what's the best use of our time when it comes to being able to network versus being able to work on projects on? I think that's another big plus of the program right now is because it's so new. So I hope hearing a bit about my perspective on what's been good and what some of the challenges are with the MSN BA program is interesting and helpful, especially if you're thinking about applying. I definitely think it's been a great experience, both from the types of people I've met, the types of networking opportunities I've been given in just the skill sets that I have been given through the program that I might not have been given through just the standard MBA program. So if you're considering applying, I definitely would encourage it.