Gabelli Networking

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The best thing that the NBA program has to offer is your exposure to other people who are also interested in excellence and moving their career to the next level tons of networking is going on. There are mixers, There are lectures that you can attend. It's networking with a purpose, so it's understanding who you are and what you're looking for and to be able to talk to everyone. We have over 40,000 alums of the business school and most of them are located here in New York. Students have an ability to have coffee chats to shadow our alumni. I've met some very interesting people that have already come shadow me at work and we can hang out and see if this is for you. I've had countless meetings with alumni that have been very helpful and seguin opportunities to interviews. Fordham community is invested and they're not going to just forget about you whether you graduate alumni, I want you to be just as successful as they are and they're so willing to bend over backwards to help you.