MS in Media Management

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The M. S. In Media management Prep students for top jobs in media by emphasizing innovation, brand strategy, social media and new product development. I can honestly say that the program it's preparing us for the world post graduation, whether it's like a media company or honestly anywhere. I feel like I have the flexibility to work anywhere, which is awesome. Our professors are always bringing in people who have worked in the industry and have industry experience. So a lot of media executives working here in the city, professionals from S. N. Y. Sports new york, also from NBcuniversal, it's like a lot of valuable information. This major has pushed us into networking, going up to somebody and being like, hey you're from Fordham, I went to Fordham and we kind of have that mutual education that really kind of sparks a conversation. It's not just a program where you're getting a master's degree, you're making so many different connections with professors, with students with people working in the industry. It's another step towards your professional career.