Interview with Cheyann

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Hi. Who are you? Hi. I'm shy and needs. What is your major? I am a magazine Media Major with minors in anthropology and advertising. What kind of student organizations are you involved in here at Drake? I'm involved in Drink magazine and the Times. What made you choose and come to drink? Um, one from Des Moines. So I didn't think I would go to a school that was in Des Moines because I was so close to home. Being on this campus, it really makes you feel like this is my home away from home. Um, I found a community here, a drink that I really enjoy. Um, and the journalism department really spoke to me. It's a place I'm truly thriving and learning in, just like I was promised before I got here. What's one of your favorite spots on campus to curl up and study? Um, I really like the drink Innovation studio, which is actually where I'm at right now has really comfy furniture, and it's a, um, really like common relaxing place that's locating a Meredith Hall, which is the journalism building. So it kind of works in between my classes that are in this building. What's one word that you would use to describe the culture of Drakes campus? I'd say inviting. We have a lot of different stuff here, from fine arts to biology, journalism LPs, which is law, politics, politics and society. We have a ton of different majors and a time different areas of study, and a lot of students like to dip their toes and just about anything they can. So I feel like with just the events we have the academics that we have here, there's a lot of different stuff going on. Um, and so I feel like we're really inviting, too. Just bring a lot of different people and ideas and work into drinks.