Meredith Hall

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So I'm standing right in front of Meredith Hall. As you can see, Meredith Hall is home to drink School of Journalism and mass communication, which I am proudly apart off. You can see the building and that little bulldog right there. So you enter into Meredith Hall and you can see all the hallways, buildings, classrooms. Here's one of the many lectures that are located in Meredith Hall. They have that classic college vibe and those classic college chalkboards, Am I right? I've had many classes in these, and I really like him because they really give that authentic college field. This is what most of the classrooms look like in Meredith, just a classic college classroom projector. I really like having classes in here because I just feel like I can really focus on what's being taught and what I need to learn. One of the great things about Mayor that Paul is it's not just home to drink School of journalism and mass communication. They also offer other classes in politics and general classes as well. Meredith Hall also has an atrium, which is perfect for studying, not necessarily in this cold, but when the sun is out and the snow is gone. I love to study in the atrium drink School of Journalism and mass communication create several publications such as the Drake Political Review and The Drake Meg, which I am a writer for.