Basement of Meredith Hall
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I spent a lot of time in the basement of Meredith, so let's go take a look out that TV studio. Here's one of the several computer labs down here in the basement, perfect for using Adobe Photoshopped or and design and learning all about these softwares in here's drinks Radio station ninety four point one. Several radio shows are in here throughout the day, and there's also this cool lounge area. Drink recently remodeled and opened up this cool podcasting room. If you need to record some audio or just want to start up a podcast of your own, we also have these cool chairs and lights for a nice little study space. You would have a class in here in a lab typesetting such as I am in Internet video production. So in here we do our class, and it's also just furnished and lit television studio, so you can use it for any project that you want even outside of school. This has been definitely one of the hubs of student life and activity.