Fall Term Reflection 3 @ Dartmouth (College Rewind)

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Okay, you guys, There's 10 days of school left for this term, which means final season's coming up. That means a lot of time spent in the library, because I have so much to read. But there's also a bunch of big projects that have to work on because for some reason, the props like to put them big projects, like in the last week of school. So now I have to go to CVS to get this large poster board for my presentation tomorrow. We're here to make the gingerbread house with many of the big one is a little band came for project supplies and we're leaving with this thing is a problem, guys, CVS run Complete way. Thing is what happens when you work in the library too much. Just finished my presentation for today and got a package. Now I'm heading back to do some work for the weekend. A little connection of snow into legit snowing today. It's really snowing today now and it's like 6 a.m. But I really have to study for my finals. Oh God, sorry for it's like 6 a.m. Right now. I really have to get to the library because I've to finals to study for what kind of trouble and we've done it. It's November 20th at 5:12 a.m. I just finished two finals yesterday and I'm leaving and literally like one hour. Significance of Big 10 computed a term, so I get to go home. So 18 f Fall 2018 started off being thrown into literally the woods with my trip. Shout out to cabin camping section J. Then we come back to votings and civilization, where 1000 1 169 new faces are introducing each other in an overheated Egypt. It's really where the thing that the gym was actually so hot because it's snowing massively outside right now. Look how far we've got a week of moving in, sending in picking classes and being more from the Lear with some people. Because I'm pretty introverted and like big parties, like big social scenes with loud music aren't really my thing. When classes started like my full attention was basically on classes, with the exception of like a few extra curricular activities, which is probably evidence by the insane amount of time that I spent in the library, No, always working, but the intentional honestly, this term, I think the most rewarding class have taken is my biology class, because it wasn't like a traditional biology class, really memorized, like cell cycle of self structures and notices. This is, but it was more like you walk into class and you get just mind blowing everything all the time on the lecturers brought in like new perspectives that challenge long withstanding ideas. Even though maybe like in the future, other bio class is more necessarily agree with these perspectives or would never even think about these perspective, it's just good to like no in the background and just like nerd how to think critically and the class is like super hard, but it was super interesting. Honestly, if it wasn't offer like as an introductory vile class are probably would not have taken it. I'm so glad I did, because the top made a lot and the prop was like super nice. So in general, the professors in the past term have been super, super accommodating and super nice. It's kind of weird because in high school I would see, like my teachers in class in around school and that around the neighborhood, too. Then here it's basically just class and then the office hours. There was one time where I was like walking past somewhere and then my profits on me. He was getting getting a coffee, and he, like, called out my name, and it took me some time to, like understand what was happening because it's like I don't really see them outside of class, which is kind of weird, but I guess like that kind of makes sense and when the upperclassmen say, like used office hours like really used officers and I think the props were really here to help you succeed because they do have a lot of off summertime. So it's basically like you have to take a lot of initiative, which I guess, like that's what college is about being like independent and stuff. It's inevitable that there will be some weeks for some days where you will have, like over all your subjects have tests in that week or on him on the same day, which kind of sucks. They were definitely like a lot of times during the term where I felt super stressed and like, super like just down. I think that's like because it's how we term is so fast, but also because it's so slow because it kind of just wanted to end and it doesn't end and you start like six weeks left, and then you also start thinking about like the other things that you could be doing instead of studying. Then you just feel even more bad about yourself because you have to be in here while you could have been like, I think the main thing is definitely time management, and I have to say I still haven't managed like most of that because I've definitely taken some tests where I felt like if I had, like, two extra hours, I could have done that so much better and I just felt underprepared and rushed. So time management, something that I hope to get better in like the next term. I also feel like because if I can manage time better, I could probably get more involved, which is something I am. I thought the transition to college is a lot smoother than I thought it would be because first of all, the stress that I was feeling wasn't necessarily from like difficulty or like unable to catch up, more like just. I couldn't manage my time properly and I knew that if I could have done that, I would have done better and also there wasn't much of a culture shock for me. I think because head over is a pretty isolated towns or you're not like thrown into everything like really quick and honestly between juggling the social life making new friends trying to get involved in, like actually picking legit classes this term. Upperclassmen have always told me that you make it through freshman fall. You can basically make it through all the other terms because freshman fall is such an adjustment period in so talk.