Harvard Dorm Tour 2019

The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Freshman at Harvard on today, I'm gonna be showing you around my room. First of all, we're gonna start with, um, our shoe area. This is where we keep our shoes way Have these nice rain and snow boots because it's really cold here, and these ones are mine. Now we're gonna go on to my jacket and the hook from my jacket. This window actually doesn't close all the way. So we have a contraption here, call a pencil on there's black tape on it, and yeah, and make sure this side of the window closes. You know, every house has, like, a chair that you just put stuff on. This is our nice cows that we like to sit on when I'm not sitting on my desk and doing homework, I'm sitting here doing homework. Here's a little nice thing you could do with it. If we're doing home where you work a lot here, Um, yeah. It's like if you don't wear socks or shoes or get all dusty stuff. Well, we don't clean it because we're This is my personal trash can because I don't like having to get up for this. My desk, My personal trust can I don't like having to get up all the way over there to throw man trash here. This isn't by my hero Academia poster I used to have up on the walls, but my roommates didn't like it, so I have to put it next. Um, and this is also where I keep my shoes right here, because I have a lot of shoes. Uh, and I've been reading it the recent issue of the Harvard Crimson. Harvard Crimson is the Harvards newspaper organization that makes newspapers. If you want me to do a video on that, just tell me from the Colorado section. I have scissors, tape staples, whole bunch if I need to use any of that on my homework. My feminist classes from this is the filmmakers handbook for my filmmaking class. There's my drawing of Pleiku in my favorite Pokemon done by my amazing Channel artist Caitlin defend diversity and our room A contract, um, be kind. Respect, privacy and space don't steal its all signed by all of our roommates. They said I could only show one part of the room, so yeah, I can only show you this rug that they have in it. This is really stages, but yeah, they have this next dragon in which we don't have room for in our room. Yeah, there's so little space right here for me to get through because this room is really small and I'm a picky. So I implanted These little device is working onto my bed. Um, this my fan, because it gets really hot in here. We could go to the most important part bathroom for this dorm were connected to another very similar dorm. It's like the same thing that you guys just solved. In the middle of the connection, this little hallway year, there's a bathroom. I would show you how to use it, but there's no record of a grill. I hope you guys enjoyed this room tour, and if you guys would like to see any other videos this comment down below what you'd like to see?