Fall Term Reflection 2 @ Dartmouth (College Rewind)

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It's November 6th at 904 a. M. And it's been a super stressful week. I'm back and this time in a new background to anyways, it's the beginning of the ninth week at Dartmouth, which means in less than two weeks I get to go home and don't get me wrong. Being at Dartmouth, things have to get squished up. I just talked to you a little bit about how the library works in Dartmouth, so they're basically four levels of the library and the first level, which is where I'm usually at its first floor Barre. Or it's called F F B. And this is the place where, like, people work, but they're also like social. It's like a good place to work because you're like with other people. As you move up in levels, it gets quieter and quieter at each level. I've been up there like, a couple of times when I really needed to focus and when Effie was just super loud. The thing with it being so quiet that I get so drowsy because it's also warm and that's counterproductive. There are other levels which I discovered, and if you go down into the basement, it's like super cool. It's like quiet but not sleep inducing quiet. The journey down into the basement is the best part because it's an adventure in itself, and you feel like Harry Potter going down into the restricted section restricted section of the library, even though it's not restricted at all. We have to talk about fall and fall at Dartmouth is a really beautiful thing because you actually see the leaves change color, and I've never seen that before, and every single photo you take it, and it's amazing. So even though the code is chilling and absolutely discouraging when you have to get up at 7 45 to go to drill the snow makes it a little better. Dartmouth also really likes to bond floors and houses, so we've had an escape room, and we've had talent shows featuring professors. None of these extra activities can compare to the biggest tradition of fall or maybe even the whole year, particularly for freshmen, which is homecoming. 18 F because it's the fall term of 2018 at the back is shows the Dartmouth bonfire with the class here that is running around it in the fire. This would only happen this year, which is why I got the shirt, because that's the only year where the 20 twos, which is my class, we'll be running around the fire. This is our fire guys, right? Let me just brief you live about this homecoming tradition that Dartmouth has. So what basically happens is the biggest part is they build a bonfire in the middle of the green, which is like a field and the bond of our super tall. What they're supposed to do is freshman year has to run around the fire. The number and the number of laps is dictated by like their graduation year. So I'm the class of 22 so I'm supposed to run 22 laps, where if you're really up for it, you can run 122 laps. What happened during recent years is that people would jump the fence and like touch the fire, which is obviously a super big like safety hazard. So because the green isn't owned by Dartmouth, is actually like Challenge Property. The Hanover residence were really concerned about the safety of the fire, especially because it's so tall and it's like grass all around. Also because people keep jumping the fence and touching the fire, which is even worse. Dartmouth managed to repeal that, making a few compromises fence to keep people from touching the fire. Your fire is like fatter, fatter bond buyer track, but apparently the same amount of wood and freshman year classes only allowed tow. Walk a lap around in like this really organized manner. The only allow people to run one lap or walk one that check. Even though we had to do those compromises, we still got the fire, which is big win. We have to wear our 22 shirts so we can't Even my were thick Jackson. Well, how many people hope that the bond market happen next video way, followed by the sweep which marched us into the battleground, going, Oh my God, Wait, Bond funds. I have to admit, I was really skeptical about Doremus traditions because they're super intense and kind of weird. I'm really glad I got to experience this tradition because this is the only time that the fire will be built for the Class 22. Like literally, there is a 22 in the fire, and this is the only time class of 22 gets to run, gets a walk around the fire and get the spotlight. I finally felt a really strong bond between, like my classmates and literally with the rest of the school. No, nobody touched the fire because we are responsible kids. It's up to you to keep the tradition running now and I'll be watching.