Rakiye Tells You More about Classes at Lehman and Student_Professor Relationships

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All I have my classes in here because here is really have all the English classes and usually for film and philosophy and foreign languages and stuff like that. It's like maybe about twenty students per class and only ones and only one professor. Everybody gets a chance to speak, Um A. So long as you participate with us. The lot of them offer extra credit if you think it's necessary. They encourage you, ask questions and have discussions and stuff in the past Of the class is a very discussion based on what everyone to share their thoughts and opinions. All of them are also very understanding that were called students, and we don't really have for offer careers yet. We're in college to get proper career, so a lot of them kind of like find cheaper alternatives to the textbooks. That way would usually have to go by the book stores on hand, still photocopy stuff for us, or send us somewhere to rent it for cheap instead of going to have to buy the book. Like, office hours are usually maybe about two hours at least once or twice a week, so everyone has a fair chance to succeed as long as they try.