How to Feel Like a Part of Lehman Despite No Dorms
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Um, it's not bad. Like I said, a lot of people are like what other people have said before. A lot of people, they kind of just because they don't really feel any connection to school, they just go to class and go home, go to work, go to class, go to class, go to work, go to class. So the only way to I feel like a part of the campus is if you get involved, you join a club or something. Even if you see an event like sometimes I know from experience. Before I joined a club before I made friends, I'd see an event and think, Oh, that looks really fun. I don't want to go out with those so that I missed out because I'm too. I was too scared or too shy to go and enduring myself. Like sometimes like especially if isn't event on the quad, I would just pass by e, maybe take a few pictures just, like stared down wistfully. If you want to have fun and enjoy the campus, make friends. This is actually like a recurring theme, but everyone says the only way to really enjoy yourself here is if you get him off to join a club. Like a lot of people here, they don't even know the mascot way do have a lot of options, but sports is in a big being here.