Yang CampusReel Introduction

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My name is young and I am a rising software here at Kobe University. I am from when Zhou China, but I graduated from high school in Minnesota. I am thinking to double major in educational studies and music, but I haven't totally decided yet. Yeah, um, on campus, involved in Kobe Christian Fellowship, Symphonic Ben, um, Toys ISS, which sends for Organization of Asian Sisters in Solidarity and other clubs. I'll talk more about, um, and the following videos. It's a quick introduction to Colgate University. SOCO Gate is located in Hamilton, New York It's in central New York, where about four hours away from New York City and an hour away from Syracuse. We have bosses shadows to those major cities every week here, so you can quickly get a ticket from Coop, which is our student center. We are a fairly large, um, liberal arts college faculty to student student ratio as 9 to 1. So we have a lot a lot of gay professors here to support students. I'll talk about a little bit about Hamilton year. So Hamilton is a little town off approximately 4000 resting, so it's basically the same size as co gay. There is really not a distinguish divide lines between Colgate Campus and Hamilton. Everything is nicely blended here, and students can take the cruiser, which is, um, like a shadow system student can take the cruise or to town every day, every even during the weekends. We can go enjoy food from the local restaurants. Students will find many other opportunities around campus throughout the semester. You will never really get bored here, and I'll talk more about activity in the fulling video.