A College Week In My Life: Studying with Friends, Working Out, & Unboxing Makeup

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Like, 50 people backed up behind me, and I couldn't get my car back up over the little bump. We're going to school this study with my friends, but I just do like a little weak in my life. Thing is, I'm filming this literally the day slash night after I feel in my night routine for school springtime. I have water energy today, and it just feels like it's gonna be a good week. You're going back to school? I have an example. Hey, didn't I just I don't think it's gonna have any colors, though. The spiral staircase is gonna make me so friggin dizzy and fall or as a goal. Ladies construction stopped because body without telling you, I didn't want to eat. We're going to work away from AC and all, but when he gets here live. What is happening at the Titan walk? I know we were just here where you get off way, have a little jumper thing of here. We're gonna just do whatever you're doing and I first start Hope you don't get the montage by this beautiful music. I'm going to school this morning to get lunch breakfast, trying Bluestar books as much because you know me, I like my shop looks in the morning, but I try to not let money get Starbucks. Some lunch meat for I'm gonna have a bagel for breakfast. I was just looking on Instagram and freakin khalid is in full or 10 10 minutes away from my school is gonna be from 5 to 8 p.m. And I can't be next. It's my brother's birthday, and I'm gonna cry. It's 9 a.m. In the morning, but I don't know, we could do it literally right now in Florida and at my college is gonna be 10 minutes, 10 minutes away from my in college, and I'm not even gonna be there. I want to take them off by myself, and it could be damaging, but I'm gonna do it the best way possible. That won't damage my nails, because I just don't want to pay almost 40 bucks 50 bucks to do my nails down. You think it is worth the money, but I want to do but myself and I have to keep paying that price every month. I'll show you my little and my bowl here, my ass. The time I'm just gonna stop my nails in this bull, but we'll just file them down a little bit and then paint them. I'm going to give them a little bit of a break from these as an essay. I don't mind that it's just from the little tissue in here, but these air Haman, my nails actually are freaking crazy. I'm honestly gonna file them down so we're going to do never my brother's birthday. Maybe I'm going to come down, said give him his ball debut. We got this little exit jacket, some leggings in my Nike shoes ensuring the knees. I'm just just like this because I want to go to the gym after class today. I think I'm gonna get Starbucks because I just need to run out of the house and get something really quick. We're going to the gym now, have to drive home with Dr Portela because Jamie's from my house while we love a little light. Can't have a little crown on my dote profile, which I'm super excited because I want to be the girl. Like I always say, Just give myself a little self promote. I just figured I'd just do a little boxing a little bit out of breath. Am I gonna remind you a kimono with bombs and on the go from leadership? So I already have three of their lip balms. I've been really wanting to try the birthday cake one, because that's the one. I've had birchbox through literally, like, six months now and I wanted to do, But he was gonna ask you that if you wanted it. I don't even think I'm gonna blow off tomorrow. Honestly, because tomorrow little you just have a quiz and then examine that I go home and nothing at school in the Michel. So if you want to enter, click the link in the description under the dope category by Social Media's all about your category, and then you can quit with the dough app that entered It's really that simple, but easy. Oh, yeah? If you want to do if you want to see me like weekends of my life, I could do that too. It's school related, but you guys like school, So it's really crazy.