A Day In The Life of a UC Davis Student
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In the car right now putting my final together before I get it printed. I'm actually in the parking lot at FedEx, but it's raining. This is of I'm just gonna take the l and submit what I have. It's currently raining right now, but basically this building that you see behind me is a miracle. I work down in the basement of as a video production intern and you know, basically all the videos that come out of my office and all the things that I do go straight to the news channel the city of Facebook, Instagram. Things like that actually did a video on my dance team on the city of Z Z channel. So if you guys want to check that out, it'll be here, sir. Currently in the computer lab working on my phone for T. C. S 1 30 which is pretty modeling. It's taking me for this is what I have got a strawberry and it's sort of creepy Let's bomb. Are you on the floor? This'll This is where we come to study and eat and hang out a lot. Got some good critiques, things like But everyone had some pretty good projects. Why? Why? And I'm going to either take enough or do work because my final due tomorrow we're on our way to practice. It's gonna be 1 50 Anyways, let's get one post practice field at 3 40 in the morning. Friend of 50 we're just going to McDonald's. I just made that last year that you watched, and I really hope you enjoyed it just a little bit about me. I am 1/3 year cinema and digital media major at UC Davis, and I'm also doing a little bit of design. I just wanted to create this video to try something new, because the majority of the videos that I have on this channel, or more cinematic and kind of like a bunch of on Sergeant. I wanted to try something new on this channel with lifestyle videos. I kind of did a little bit, um, about a year ago, and I kind of stopped because I I couldn't really find the time or let the motivation to do so. You know, I don't know where it's gonna take me right now. I have a video on U C. Davis in my Life in the Sea. Maybe it'll splurge into different things, but if you guys enjoy the content on from this video at least, and you want to see more? Um, I would really appreciate it if you subscribe. Yeah, I think he has for watching, and I really hope to create more exciting constant like this. I think that's one thing that I really want to bring to this channel. So thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you next time.