CougarCash, the ESC Batcave Entrance, and Meeting My Roommate
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I have thirty three pages there in my hand, so it was, like, two two dollars and fifty cents to print it, but no, it actually just charges you through Cougar cash, which is, uh, the little money deposit account that you can have on your ID card. With the BYU up, if you used to BYU up, um, it's super easy to just transfer funds instantly to your ID card, and then you can use that turns into cooker cash and your cougar cash can be used. It's used, um, to purchase anything at the bureau used, Or, um, it's used for print jobs. You know, it's a is your ID card from a whole bunch of stuff. Cougar cash is super applicable to just about anything you would want to do purchase for anything I got. Um, one last thing I really like about the library here is the library has different levels of quietness. If you go down one flight of stairs in the glass entrance and go straight ahead of you, it will take you into the reading room, which has, like, a fireplace and really comfy couches. I've seen people like taking a nap on those couches, like, all the time. You know, you can just literally nap anywhere you want in the library. The upper floors are also silent, which is why I didn't record any video up there. Out the back entrance of the library and you come onto this plaza, you see all these people walking in between their classes and, um, that big old power right up there. I think that's where they have, like, a lot of nursing and health classes. So if you have nursing our health classes, some of them might be in there. I'm showing you the bat cave entrance to the which is the Iron Science Center. Hi. I just doing some commentary on my video stuff, But yeah, you know, if you want a Posy Oh, Oh, yeah. So we have been conquering stuff this semester pretty great. How about, uh, she's going to Alabama on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. What's your major? And them? I have not declared my major. It's the Empress play was talking about the back inventions to the It's like for the first month, I actually, like, kept on going around the building to the front door in six. I didn't know there was a back entrance, But if you go into your stores and I just go up a tiny set of stairs. It puts you right in the center of the building, and it's so much faster, especially if you're coming from the north side of campus. So in this building, I have my writing class, So it's my freshman writing one fifty class, and I printed off my ten page paper for it. That's why teaching there now where any pair of you today and everybody's gonna read my paper and we're going to critique it and stuff. So I'm gonna go ahead and talk to you guys again in a minute.