Kat and HyeRyeong's Fave Study Spot!
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So I've been studying for hours as per usual during finals week, but I wanted to show you guys my favorite study place on campus. Love this, my friend and I just like to study in here. It's just a good place with these windows that are really nice. What's your name? Hey, Jiyoung, are you from Korea? Do you like the way you? Yes, I do. What do you Why did you decide to come here? Um Yeah, on good stones. It's a good reason, Um, what's your favorite thing about you? Everything. What's your major T s? So she's the same major as me. What's your least? Everything about the way you the gym is kind of far. The gym is free, but it is far it's in all the way across campus. She's been working all day on this project, right? What costs the project? Uh, this is visual communication class visual communication for technology engineering. Do you have anything to say to future prospective students? Uh, come to be why you enjoy, never regret, never regret.