Freshmen Residence Buildings

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There are five residents buildings for freshmen. Uh, Dale ville and heritage do house upperclassmen as well. So now I will go give you a tour of all of this building's. So I'm standing outside of Geiser Hall right now. This is a freshman residents building, and I will go ahead and take you inside of the building and give you a tour. Right now I'm about to show you my friend are in a single room. She's able to have plenty of storage opportunities. She's already decorated for Christmas, and here is your desk perceived, also able to study. She's still able to make it a very cozy looking environment to be in this's Wakeman. It is a freshman residents building, and it is right beside the water towers. There are lots of leaves around right now because we are under a very big tree from Dillon Hall. You can see the nearby traffic coming by constantly. Parking lot for residents right outside of the hall. So it is very convenient to live here and have a parking spot here. It is right beside Dylan, and it is also right by Blue Ridge. Uh, Blue Ridge and Belleville share a parking lot together, which is also convenient when you live in these buildings. Is this the outside of heritage, which is on this side and right Ridge is on this side. The freshman could live in this building, which is heritage. In between them, we have the link, which has the study lounge, a cafe, the game center and the Jim, which students can all use heritage. I will show you an example of the door rose here. So my friend Emily was nice enough to let me see her room. How they have it is that they have sort of like a living space area. The couch and they have their wardrobes over here and over here and one other desks and fridges. Then they have their beds bunch like this, which allows for more space because the dorms and heritage tend to be smaller, and here's the other desk. I think they do a good job and making sure it's still say spacious and homey and pretty neat. So after showing you all of the freshmen housing options, my preference is heritage. I did stay there my freshman year, and it is the most renovated, so it feels more updated in new and maybe a little bit cozier. Anywhere that you stay on Bridgewater's campus is very welcoming, and you will make great friends in your dorm building as well.