A Glimpse into the Life of an Athlete

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We're behind the student center night with my friend. So can you introduce yourself for Hi, my name's Caitlin. I am on the softball team and I'm studying special education with a minor in American sign language. Flagler has an NC double division to program for the athletics, which I have no idea. So what it is is has three divisions Division one division tio, and then division three in Division one is like the University of Florida is like the big universities. Too, is for the small private schools like us. That's one of the reasons why I chose Flagler's because we're smaller school, and that's pretty much like what it means in all of us. We have very strict rules and CW's actually who provides us our scholarships, and that's why we can come here. Because of wear on scholarship, we get drug tested. So most important question is, how do you balance school and how do you balance practice, practice and games up? So it's actually pretty hard. In my freshman year, it was like the toughest thing ever, and I wish someone would have told me the answers, but you kind of just have to figure it out yourself. So this year I realized that every minute counts in the day. So if I have an hour in between classes instead of, you know, just going and sitting in the student center doing nothing, I try and, like, get my homework done in between classes because I know that right after my class is up in the day, I have to go to the fields or I'll be too tired because they woke up early in the morning that day. So I try and, like use my time wisely and I try and plan my day's ahead and make sure I have everything with me so that I don't fall behind. It is once you fall behind that's the hardest is like to kind of get caught back up. Yeah, that's that's the one thing that college that you have a lot of space between your glasses, so it's like, Oh, I could just relax, but it's not like you need to use that like, be productive. Just go sit down, do the incitement instead of like, putting it all off, doing it, doing it all at once because it at you have a lot more. There's a lot more important to time management. I can't stress enough how like at the end of the day, like I have to force myself to do my homework. I know if I don't do it, then I'll have no other time to do it again. Like, I have to make my dinner, do my homework and then go to bed and wake up at four. It still worse it obviously because I want to see you one hundred percent.