The Best Place to Study
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I'm in one of my favorite places and all of you. It's definitely a hidden gem that you all need to know about. It's the fifth floor nook in the hockey Center for student services over on Bay State. It's amazing little corner right over here, and it has a couple of little chairs and some deaths that you can study at. I'm here with my friend Elissa, right now being super productive, but it's just in a little corner, and it's got this amazing view of Boston with ease, like Florida Ceiling glass windows. You can see the Citgo sign, which is pretty awesome. There's food downstairs in the basement of ya, kissing you go grab a snack and some coffee and then just come up here and study its super quiet. It has an amazing view, and I always get a ton of work down here. He's also pretty cool because they've got a lot of turns services for students like career services. Like they have things where you can get your resume overlooked and get help with interviews and looking for jobs and internships. Pretty amazing services that I highly recommend that you take advantage of if you decide to come to BU and something that's definitely a plus for myself. I got a lot of help in the beginning of the year when I was looking for my internship, I met with a girl here a few times. We talked over the process of applying and interviewing, get my resume done. So I don't think I would have gone in without her.