Surveying BU Students Part 2: What Are BU Students Like?

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Okay, so the next question I ask people was just to tell me a little bit about their experiences with the student body there. General impressions about the student climate on campus and the people that they have interacted with a key takeaway from all the people that I've talked to is that being has really allowed people two interact and talk with people that they never would have seen themselves interacting with when they were in high school. Because BU is such a large and diverse campus, you have access to people from so many different walks of life. People are so many different interests and passions and so many people who can really offer you so much knowledge and just expertise and qualities that will really help you grow as a person. I can speak very personally on this topic because I transferred from much smaller college that I went to my freshman year with only about 2000 students to BU, which has about 17,000 undergrad students and the difference between the types of people and honestly, the quality of the people that I have been able to be exposed to and form connections with is night and day. When you go to a large university like BU, there is no limit placed on the types of people that you can interact with network with and maintain long lasting friendships with That is truly something special. This is one of the only times in your life you're going to have the opportunity to do that. If you can handle going to a large school, do it. Another key takeaway about the student body when I was talking to people is that you may be is not the warmest campus, both literally because of our long winter's, but also warm in terms of just the personality and maybe friendliness of people on campus. It's not that people aren't friendly and not nice, but we are all very focused, is an academically driven and a lot of people are kind of sort of tunnel vision in their own lane, very, you know, focused on just getting through the day, getting stuff done, being productive, and, you know, there's maybe not as much time for, you know, those casual, friendly and warm interactions that you might get on a smaller school or Adam or whatever little less academically rigorous school. I wouldn't let it sort of drive you away because you just have to really reach out and get to know people. I think you have to be the one to kind of make offers you the warm, friendly person You will, I think, surprise a lot of with the world they offer. You may not always be offered that right away, because again, people are very just focused on getting stuffed on, getting through the day and be anyways, that is all for this video. If you have any more questions and wants to know more about the U campus life, be sure to check out my other campus real videos or feel free to D M E on instagram. I will be sure to answer any questions that you have. Thank you for watching and best of left with all of your college search by.