A Day in the Life of a BU Student
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So I've just left the towers on my way to hospital costs in West campus. I'm gonna wait for the bue bus, which is like a free shuttle service cross common. I've and my campus at BU. It's really nice. The only downside to BU bus issues really late, but surprisingly, today it was on time, ready to go. We're in a hospital waiting for a professor to show up. Now while I'm on West campus, it's I live on East. Um, I'm gonna go toe ods And which officer Disability Services because of a type one diabetic, I get accommodations like extra time on tests and the ability to have snacks in class, like my cheeses. I'll go put in my papers and and turn into things that student health services, Yes. For some reason, I don't really know why, but here the rain is way different than where I'm from. Um, it's a lot more like torrential and you step outside for five seconds and you're soaked. The more Joe is that this metal strip at BU Bridge is always frozen during winter. Now entering the GS you for some delicious soup for lunch. It was a cold and rainy basis is perfect the best thing about the GS you is that all the restaurants you paid with your dining points, which is included in your meal plan. It's next giosue, which is where there's a bunch of restaurants and things. You can eat it with dining points, and they also have a bunch of clubs and organizations heading up free stuff. I just got some empanadas, and I am a happy Colombian. I just got back from the longest calculus lecture ever. I'm gonna can I Smith Day not before going to work. I thought out for my not ready to go to my interview. Reigning Cats and Dogs on Base State Road One of my jobs Tele Fund is to call up alum and asked about their experience would be a swell is to donate to the scholarship fund. Finally, the end of the day, leaving the question building from the telephone.