Interview With a BU Student, Lucy!!
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Why did you choose to come to you? I originally applied to be was a political science major, but I ended up in a calm heart of why I decided to come to be. It was just the comfort and flexibility I offered in choosing nature and also the security of knowing that all our programs are really strong. I also came to be here, but there's so many people with that brings so many different voices and stories and also just things to do. Thanks to be part of our campus eyes really wanted a vibrant if you had to describe the student body. I would say that people are hard working and smart, but also like I'm not afraid to be themselves and watch your favorite. These favorite part of being my favorite part of you is a community service center. Do a bunch of programs through there I as a freshman, purchase food and thought he saw which is the first year student outreach project, where we do service around Boston and just get incinerated with city. So when more than students citizens of a new place, I also I work with alternative service. Bring on that is also going through the C s way go to different neighborhoods across the country. There's twenty nine trips during spring break Mom here with CPS. That's my favorite, my least favorite. The campus layout cruises trouble sometimes just because I'm happy that we're in our own little part of the city, but also it's just a straight line on, so it's hard for me sometimes. Just want fact forth and back and forth all day and then have to way back on my way home because I live in a fire door and you get trapped in the campus bubble sometimes, but also when you break it here in Boston.