Student Interview
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I'm a junior at U and a film in TV. Jay, what's your favorite thing about you release here? You do least favorite person, please. Why my least favorite thing about you? Although the campus is really nice, it's a little bit long, so sometimes very loved. It's so beautiful here that you can see all the scenery as you want to cost. Um, my least favorite part of going to you in part because I'm from Miami is the weather. I don't fare too well in the cold in the dark cold, but it's actually really fine. It's just the second semester sometimes gets too cold for me just because, Yeah, favorite part, I think my favorite part. So because these campuses so spread out, everybody's walking everywhere. So you always run into friends and new people as you walk into class, and it's just a very big community on the strip. Oh, and it's a good thing I really like the people that I've met Definitely. When my favorite parts of you I love my professor is here especially. My minor isn't compared to literature and some of the professors that an encounter within my mind had been so phenomenal. I've learned so many things from them and from the film professors that pad these people are people that I've been studying, what they love for a very long time in a really passionate about it. I've been fortunate to have professors that really love to be re sources. Could you describe the student body at you and then to Could you describe what the academics and you're like? I think the academics are very rigorous, but they also have very cool classes that you can take for electives when you're done choir mint. You can also take classes that are very interesting and very unique. Yeah, as faras the student body goes I feel like whatever community like you're attracted to you, Khun. You're like more of a person who likes to be artists. You could definitely find that the people, if you're gone really interested in, like, social club, like any sort of, like, active activity that's like a social activity on campus.