Let's Check Out West Campus's Dining Hall!
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Welcome to West Dining Used Dining Hall is actually rated the top thirteen Out of all universities were pretty cool, but it's pretty cool. There's always Yeah, and they have different like fun nights like they had nineties night last year, which was nostalgic in a way that none of us actually remember because we were born in like ninety nine, like Western Night, which is a cowboy theme. They've underwater food, which is all underwater. What's in the middle? What? Look at that pastor licking them potatoes from them greens. Liam, what you got? I got a nice hamburger from he's done it. Some very enthusiastic president about the signing off. Did I get too much dessert? Hell, yeah, But Lian slight, slight me in the dining hall. That's thing about dying hope is that you can come here on a weekend or any day and stay as long as you want and eat as much as you want. It's really good to come here like on a weekend and do your homework and just do one swipe and get as much food as you want. Another thing is that the people who work in the dining hall are really awesome. Like last year, I was friends with Carrie, who worked the pasta station, and she was looking amazing. Has also friends with Monica, who did the vegetarian station so pretty much It's an amazing spot, really good food. Sometimes it gets a little bit repetitive, but I feel like every month or so they're able to mix it up. If your inventive than the food's always go easy is that? Was that a successful trip? The dining hall course.