CFA Tour Part 2
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So along the hallway in the sea affair, all the teachers office is, it is a super friendly community here, and the teachers always have their offices open, and you can pretty much come in at any time and haven't office hour. My freshman year, I was always hang out by movement. Teacher Yoel, the student teacher relationship here is super friendly. Everyone is with a first name basis, and it really lets you feel comfortable in the classroom because you are doing such vulnerable work. This is used not for rehearsal but more for play writing and directing classes, where you study more specifics of theater practicum Here I am, and one of the smaller black box faces on the third floor of the C F A. The CIA has three black bucks theaters where a lot of productions were held and they are super versatile. You doesn't have a lot of proscenium stages, which were just normal, like traditional theatre, because we feel like that is limiting toe are actors and tor production and design teams. So we have several black boxes, which offer an extremely versatile way of performing. Here I am on the fifth floor, which is a gallery space that was usually a little bit more colorful, I think. Currently I know that the FAA design and art students are currently studying Cubism and Minimalism. So they're doing things like this, which is not Chris end of part. I like the colorful stuff, and that's a quick tour of the CIA..