Ball State Meal Swipes Explained
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So it's Lisa and I just kind of wanted to take some time to talk to you guys about the dining plans here on Boel Seeds campus. I just kinda want to take some time to explain to you how the meal plan works. So I will explain the meal plans from a freshman's perspective. You have up to four options for your meal plan so you could get the twenty one plus plan. When you see plus class means that you get an additional excuse me. An additional amount of money out of one two year meal swipe for the semester, Um, usually ranges and all kind of explained that more as I get into what other mill swipes air offered. So you'll have a twenty one plus meal plan, which are twenty one meals per week, which means you get three mil slaps per day. The way it works right now is you have a breakfast white um, and then a lunch and dinner swiping. You can use your lunch and dinner swipe at any time between eleven o one and twelve a. M, but the breakfast wife is only offered an available from six thirty up until eleven o'clock. I am so you kind of have that option in that leeway for the twenty one plus meal plan, and in terms of the plus the plus refers to you get an additional seventy five dollars person Master. I don't want to your swipe when you go to the dining hall. Every single person, no matter what meal plan you have, is offered eight dollars and sixty cents. Maybe something sweet for another two dollars, and you might have some actual since left over and say that you end up paying or your total for food ends up coming to like nine dollars. So if I purchase something and my total wass eight dollars and sixty nine cents, I won't tell her you can go ahead and use my swipe, which is my idea. Go ahead and use my mail swipe and then go ahead and use my dining. Plus, all had the additional nine cents added from dining Plus, so I'll be down from whatever. My total wasn't dying plus and start over every semester the next. The next meal planets offered is eighteen plus meal plan, which means that you can choose any eighteen meals per week you want, and you also are offered seventy five dollars and dining. Plus, when you get to the fourteen plus nail plan, that means that you are offered any fourteen meal swipes throughout the week and you get an additional one hundred dollars per semester so if you think about it. I My freshman year, I had the fourteen plus, and so I would get a saw. I would use my meal swipe before lunch, and I would use my mail swipe before dinner and whatever else I got extra, that was not, you know, eight. I use my dining plus for, um, and I pretty much worked for me. I had basically two meals a day, seven days a week, which is basically all I ever ate. Um, and then you also have the ten plus plan, which means you have ten mils per week at one hundred dollars per semester. Um, if you need tips on how sorry my thing keeps on rocking for some reason, like my standards, my broken I don't know why, but you need tips and tricks on how to choose your meal plan. I would suggest getting the twenty one plus meal plan, but it does cost more. Each meal plan has a different cost into your room and board, so that kind of plays and with that on the website also explains, this is well, so always go to Ball State's website. Look up in the search bar, meal plans and all this information that I'm telling you right now we'll come up. Um, But if you regularly skip a meal, say it's breakfast and you only eat two meals per day. That's when the eighteen plus comes earning eighteen, fourteen plus comes in. So I thought the fourteen plus nobody will be perfectly fine for me. If you're gone a lot and you go home on weekends and you're never really on campus, then the ten plus might be better for you because you think about it. The ten plus that's two meals a day, just like the fourteen plus. You'll have two meals a day Monday through Friday, and if you're at home, you don't need to worry about getting your meals, like using a meal slide. I don't know, like eighteen plus is actually knew, so I don't know. I guess you just have extra swipes if you get hungry. If you do want to change your meal plan, you always have that option. Now, Cardinal Cash is what you upload from your own personal account into your meal slaps for dining Plus or it could be into your meal. Swipes for laundry swipes is well, so it's kind of hand in hand. If you're looking on the website, you're unsure during your application whether or not you wanna, you know, submit the twenty one plus or do the ten plus.