Tips for Freshmen: Bus System, Grades, Internships

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Hey, guys, my name's Alina, and I'm going to be a junior at MSU this year. I was just thinking, there's a lot of things I wish I knew when I was a freshman. So I think this video of three MSU specific things that I wish I was a freshman and then three they're more general. So at Michigan State, freshman can't have cars. You're gonna be using the bus or a bike or a mope. Ed. I used the bus a lot and I'm from the suburbs. Then I realized I did not need to memorize the bus maps. I'm just going to take that into the search bar, and then once it loads, I'm going to click directions and I'm gonna tape in where I'm coming from. You have a bike, you have uber, you have walking or you have the good old bus. So here it shows you all the buses that will take you to your destination, and we're gonna take the one bus today. Call it 12 21 ki m walk five minutes and then go to the bus stop, and it literally shows you where the bus stop is. Is that the second thing? Everyone is stressed out about gaining the freshman 15. I'm here to tell you There's no need to worry. You're gonna be walking everywhere and you're probably going to burn off all the calories you gain from eating at the CAFS. And there's a ton of healthy options to honestly, like when I was a freshman, I think I lost £15 just because of all the walking I was doing. I just didn't have with the time management skills till, like, plan out like when my meals should be so like it's honestly not something you should stress about at all. Okay, combo exchanges, combo exchanges, air great at Michigan State, you get your A B and C items, and it's great for like a snack. You can combo at 18 55 place there these new apartments there, like right next to Brody Hole, and they have so many things that regular Sparky's don't and I just like, need change in my life. I always like, need to be eating like new foods and trying new foods so, like that has just, like, bit a game changer. Freshman year is the year when you're gonna have so much free time, like way more free time than any other year of college. So I definitely recommend going out and participating in anything and everything that doesn't like half turning, going out to parties if you don't want to. The next one is something I was very nervous about doing freshman year. If you get your grades back on assignment and you believe you deserve a better grade than you got, email your professors and let them know honestly, it's not gonna affect your professor's opinion of you. It's just gonna look like you care most. T. A is great of your work, so people make mistakes, and it's fine to just ask them to clarify your grade. You're only going to gain from this. The worst thing you could do is say no, Damn, it feels good to be against. Here is a really life screenshot of an email I sent to my professor when I knew I deserved a better grade than I got. Obviously out of respect to my professor's privacy, I blocked off his or her name. So I don't know if I would have got in a four point if I wouldn't have argued those two extra points, and I'm very happy that I did. Last thing You're a freshman, So getting an internship for the summer is not gonna be your main priority, because usually people don't give out internships until you're like a sophomore junior senior. I would say still go to internship and job fairs because think about it. To do that, you're gonna be so nervous and you're not gonna know what to d'oh. So just go dress nicely, bring your resume, talked to employers and just get that experience out of the way. So you know what you have to do when it's that crucial point during your junior senior year, when you really need those internships. I went to an internship job there at the end of my freshman year, and I just did it for the experience, but I ended up getting an internship from it, so I'm so grateful. That would be great to put on your resume that you got an internship after a freshman year? No, A All right, that's the end of the tips. Let me know if I should do more college advice videos and, like, maybe do more general tips or more specific ones about Machine State, Whatever. Freshman year was obviously, like one of the best years of my life. You're gonna meet so many people you're gonna have someone in your experience is I'm just so excited for all the new freshmen coming into Michigan State. All right? Leave a comment like it's this guy go green of college.