Why Austin Peay State University Is the Right Fit for Me with Taylor
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I am a senior at Austin Peay State University in the biology department. One of the reasons that I chose Austin P probably the biggest reason is because of the kindness and hospitality that was presented to me when I toured originally, faculty and staff put forth their best foot, their best smiles and they made me feel important and care for Austin P is a smaller university and I found that students who work better with one on one help, an explanation from professors will variety because of these smaller class sizes, you are able to work more often directly with the professor. The smaller size of Austin P is another thing that drew me in. Uh I very much thrive on working one on one with people. So this has enabled me to work not only one on one with my professors when asking questions are getting homework help, but it's also let me form partnerships with students that will last into our professional lives. So as a biology major, you have access to a wide variety of courses. So most people in the biology department are going to be premed. I'm very much into wildlife and we offer a lot of wildlife courses. So I've taken courses in particular on my apology and ornithology, morphology is the study of males and ornithology is the study of birds. I've loved being able to work directly with these animals through research like capturing, releasing to get population metrics, banding birds stuff like that. It's been very valuable in building my professional skill set. These capturing and tagging skills as well as tracking are something that a lot of places look for when hiring. So I can say that I will be graduating with a lot of the experience and skills I'll need as a scientist.