Meet Lienna Teiu, Informatics, B.S. student

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How are you? Welcome to a s u. I'm so excited for you guys to be here. Um, just before we get started, I want to introduce myself. I am a junior studying informatics engineering here at a S. U on the Tempe campus. Um, and just a couple things about how I get involved on campus. I am a lead community assistant here at the Tempe campus. Um, I am also in a past intern for the Asian American Pacific American, uh, mhm student coalition. So as you can see, I'm very involved on campus. I have a lot of connections here, and I get to meet such a wide variety of people here. Um, little One of the cool things about me is that I actually live on campus here in Tempe issue. Um so as I mentioned before, I'm a lead community assistant. Some of you may have heard, or the term are a, um are used to exist the rial college thing. Um, sort of supervised things kind of connect you with things on campus because I live on campus. Um, the fun things about my video is that I'll actually be able to give you guys a good look into what dorm living his life on campus. I'll get to tour campus a little bit, just walking around, seeing the sights, seeing the buildings that I most visit as an engineer, especially as a engineer within the City School of Information Computer Information Decision Systems Engineering. Um, it'll be really exciting, and I can't wait to share that with you yeah, I'm involved on campus Arizona State University's campus are always thriving with stuff. There's always something to do, especially here. A Tempe, which is the heart of a S u. Arizona State actually has five locations, but four are located here in metro Phoenix. Um, the most famous of at least I would say the most famous of the locations is Tempe, because that's where most of our facilities are located. Um, most of the engineering students reside here. They take classes here, Um, but Poly technic is also another big campus, which is not too far away. Ah, lot more people who are who want to do labs who want to dio hardware who want to fly. I'm just gonna change scenery, and then we'll just be out on campus out a little bit and I'll tell you a little bit why I chose a issue. We've change to outside to Right behind me here is a little bit of took her house. I've got my coffee here and I'm ready for the day. Um, basically, I'm just gonna talk a little bit. So I honestly chose a issue because it was the closest campus, um, to where I live here in Phoenix. Um, I personally really liked issue because, you know, the engineering program here is just really hands on. Compared to a lot of other universities that have engineering programs, A S U offers from the start like engineering experience, engineering classes and a lot of hands on experience that I wasn't sure I would be able to get anywhere else. Um, it's really nice to go in freshman year, and I'm able Teoh be able to talk right away. The professors, I'm able to declare my major to proclaim my discipline if I really wanted Thio instead of going through a generic four year trap with engineering, and I can just dio the things I want to dio and pursue the sort of research and the projects that I'm interested in. Um, I just liked a issue so much because the campus is really open. I have so much freedom here, and it just feels all around very connected to me, like the spaces air so open. So I really enjoy is you here? Um, honestly, as a answer student, thinking about things I would have loved to known before I come before I came here was probably researching the exact majors that I really wanted to dio because, um, everyone goes at their own pace and everyone has their own idea of what they want to do. Um, I also highly recommend, if you can like coming on the campus, because it's different when someone else like me. So if you can, like, come on to campus, get a tour with either the Gold Guides or Devil's Advocate or even my tour guide organization, the Fulton ambassador and they'll be ableto walk you through specific buildings you're always going to see and then give you, like, in person sort of advice that you can always ask questions about. Um, But yeah, I just love a issue a lot like, I think the engineering program is definitely one of the best here, with all of its flexibility and all of its like opportunity that it literally just gives you and they're always looking for students. Professors are always welcome and open, Um, and everyone's always willing to do projects with you. As a student, you get you get tickets for those included in your tuition so you can go anytime and visit any time on the student section here is really nice. Especially with the curtain of destruction here with the basketball team. Maybe one day I'll be able to just show you guys what all these dorms here are for.