Balancing School & Social Life

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Many people tend to find it very difficult when first coming to college to balance their social life, their activities and all the schoolwork that comes into being in university. So there's definitely some times where you're going to feel very stressed out. My one piece of advice, main piece of advice would be to just stay on track with what you have to do and make sure that you're taking time for yourself. Because if you just get so piles up every single day on work, you're really going to lose parts of yourself that you need to explore in college. Keeping a plan in which I have mentioned many time before to make sure that you're doing all the little things you have to do to keep your grade up for classes is really important and also getting involved with your organizations, um, meeting up with friends for coffee study dates, anything like that, making sure that you take time to interact with people and not to stay in your dorm all the time. I go out into the library to study you out of a coffee shop, do study groups of people talk to professors talked your organization Members join organizations. So really balancing all the things that you love to dio socializing, meeting new people, given activities and also making sure that you are being studios and keeping up with your classes because it can be very overwhelming, especially when you first move here. You're not really sure how to balance like all these things in your life. Basically, the moral of my spiel right here is to stay on track of everything that you need to dio and also bouncing all these things. So taking time for yourself, like I said earlier, is very important to making sure that you're successful in your own way. So whether that be you journal once a day, you go out for a walk, you work out, you go biking. They have these backs on campus called Theo Rides, which they're just all around campus or these teal bikes, and you just pay like twenty five cents for fifteen minutes to write. Um, so taking those little woman's for your day can really make an impact on how you feel in college and not getting too stressed out. Getting too stressed out will lead you to feel feelings that you don't want to feel such as failure or hopelessness. Isolation and all these things can be avoided if you know what you're doing, really and seek help if you need it as well. If you do need to seek hope, there's a the learning center. They can help you get on track with your classes and figure out where you could improve. There's a counseling, a testing centre if you need someone to talk to, you getting too just out. There's definitely people on campus that want to help you succeed here because you are paying a lot of money here. You need to make sure that you're getting the most out of your time here.