Getting your Sun Card with Sohan

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So today I'm going to be telling you the first things to do once you get to campus. So the first thing that you want to do is to get your son card. So or in the temple campus right now at this building or this place is in the memorial Union in the ground floor that is right opposite to Jamba juice. So as soon as you hear on campus come to this place get your son card and uh you need to come here the person sitting at the desk give up the person you're rob student I. D. Number. So one of the one option is the regular sun card, the yellow sun card and the other options amid first card. So that card access to win one where it also acts as a debit card and also acts as a son card. The benefits of the Sun card is that you will be able to get, you get, you will be able to get access to anywhere on campus or the domes that you are the ones that are going to stay in the meal, plans them and the dollars. So it's very important and be sure to get us on card as soon as you come to campus.