ASU's School of Earth and Space Exploration with Sohan

The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
So today we are in the building of the Earth and space exploration. As you can see that there is a type of the world that was sent to us. So right here we have the control center, the command and control center. As you can see that other people to types of cameras and equipment that I used to use personal observations because and I will now take you to the center of the business. So here's where she is the same type of the building. I think that that would be I was that good and uh national many experts to come learn as you can see. Ladies and gentlemen, I urge you to come here and come in and learn a lot about space or even in your freedom to come here, check this place out. It's a really cool place and it is one of my favorite places on campus, and this is a really unique building.