Advice for first year students

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I just want to talk about some advice that I would give first year students. I wish I would have gone my freshman year, but basically, when you do join college, remember to take full advantage of all the resource. Is there available a CEO's tutoring center that I wasn't aware of until second semester. Once I didn't know about it, it was very helpful. If you ever questions and you're not doing well like I was in a complex, I was not doing well. I didn't know what was going on for the first thing I am. Sat down, Help me with problems that I struggled with, and for the next exam, I was able to get me. Don't be shy to go, and they're also a lot of resources and also be sure to have fun like freshman year. A lot of Children, a lot of students, might be scared of like of getting all their work done, and I can't go here because I need to get this stuff done, but it's honestly not too bad. Make sure you go socialize, meeting people, cause that's the year where everyone's trying to meet new people, all the activities and clubs if you join them. It's a great weight, like build a greater connection and do things that you like at the same time. There's a lot of social events is well, there's something gold Devil Appaloosa, which is a big concert. I can add some pictures on here so you can see them, but it was very fun. They have like this thing that they do student pavilion. For that, there's a lot of activities in a lot of places that you could go and see.