A walking tour of Memorial Union at ASU Tempe with Sohan

The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Beautiful Day in Tempe Arizona. It's 112 degrees out today and I want to show you the Memorial Union today. That building right there, Ladies and gentlemen is the Memorial Union. This building is the center of Issues Tempe campus and this building inside has a lot of restaurants for you to come meet in the middle of the classes and you've also got some excellent places to chill down there. You've got a pool table and you've also got and set out spaces out here and this is by far the most liveliest place on campus and it is my favorite place to come uh in between classes to grab a cup of coffee. Mhm. Mhm. You go and to the right of me we have the hidden library that is building number one of the hidden library. Mhm is right over there and he already gentlemen, that is the Memorial Union building. Right there we have the Starbucks Cafe and that cafe as you can see ladies and gentlemen that opens up into it opens up into a set out space and even though it also becomes a set out cafe and as you can see this is the center of Issue Issues Tempe campus. Yeah and that right there is and gentlemen is the hidden library building number two. That library, ladies and gentlemen is underground. As you can see there are so many set out spaces here. It's pretty lively here a lot of people here during the glasses and that's it for today. Ladies and gentlemen, I will see you in the next block.