NCCU Hiking Trails!
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So this road straight ahead is still on campus and actually takes us up to all of the hiking trails that start from our campus and continue up in Tamal Kong moment. So this is I have some video footage from the hike I did during my like, second week of school here, Um NCCU. So I'm gonna show you a little bit of these campus trails and what they look like. So to get to the trails, we continue walking up this road in this road is still on our campus and actually leads to our tennis courts. So one of my favorite things about NCCU is all the greenery and nature that we have right here on campus. So in order to get to the star of the trail, we have to take the stairs that go straight up from the tennis courts on campus. What? So after taking those stairs for maybe 10 to 15 minutes, we finally got to the start over trail on DH. It's funny that the Heike didn't even start yet because we were all already exhausted from taking the stairs all the way up. NCCU here is like a sign that says holy Ginger battery, which is the name of our school. So this trail takes us from NCCU, Teo Junction Temple. This is when we finally arrived at the temple after hugging straight upstairs for maybe 30 minutes. We're 30 or 40 minutes, and from this temple you can see all of Taipei. You can even see some of our campus on DH. They have free hot tea for your drink as well.