Interviewing Rita (Part 3): How would you generalize NCCU students?
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It was like, I guess, like the generalization are starting type of NCC students leg. When you talk about TCU students, if you generalize like and see students as one personality, then people would usually say that like in Chinese, it's called yet, which means, like everyone here, like, has a really like stinky face. One is because we're like, super isolated from the Taipei city like the downtown. So it's like more like we're surrounded by mountains. So the people here usually don't have time to go out and, you know, go shopping or go to fancy places between classes. The other thing is because, of course, everyone here originally wanted to go Tonto you so after they're they got here, they're like, Oh, I'm not I don't belong here. Most of us, like after we graduated, we become like we will be thankful that we we graduated from here. Yeah, this one is funny because I think everyone here is like, super friendly. I think it's because they, when they're talking Teo exchange students there are more proud of like who they are and their school. Like if it's between us and on our D card, which is the reading in Taiwan like everyone's talking shit, our school, I know it is true because I guess, and generally in Taipei, there's just like a lot more options to go shopping in like an e and just a lot of more things to do outside of where we are. As an exchange student, I really love where campus located because I really love you near the mountains and having the option to just, like, go on a hike calm which is the mountain behind our school on also the air's low pressure. You are, Yeah, like there's days are like Cho from here into downtown and I just like to suddenly just, like, feel suffocated, just like Oh my God, they come back here like yes, way have for us. We have 166 schools around the world to go exchange to that means like R exchange students, community is super huge as well, so many people around, like globe come to see you. Like if you are someone who's trying to find the school, you want to learn Chinese or, like know about like Chinese or Taiwanese culture than NCC would be a great choice.