Kailey: My Favorite Spots on Adelphi's Campus
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Now I'm gonna show you some of my favorite spots around campus. Mm. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm! Yeah, yeah, yeah! Mhm, Yeah! Mhm! Mhm! Mhm! Yeah, yeah! Mhm. Okay, now I'm going to answer some frequently asked questions that I get about campus, Um, and like where I like to go. So my first question is where I usually hang out And why? Um, personally, I like to hang out in the CRS because it has both my academic home as well as my athletic home in one building. Um, my favorite places on campus are the U C nexus, where the library, um, the fitness center and any of the Starbucks is on campus. Um, fun fact by the fitness center is that it is free all four years that you're there for students and faculty. Um, we'll also see all these buildings a little bit more in depth later on. Um, but for right now, let's see what Giuliana has to say about her favorite spots on campus. Where is your favorite place to hang out on campus? My favorite place personally, the only motivated university centre wholesome. Where's your favorite place to study? My favorite place to study is horrible. Every and what do you do in your free time on campus? I either go to Starbucks or I go to the cross game. Is there any There are a ton of ways to get involved on campus. Besides just Greek life as well as athletics, so itself is over 80 clubs and organizations that you can join. Um, and if you can't find one for some reason that you want to get involved in, you can think of one that you want to start. Um, personally, I'm in the Phys Ed club for majors as well as SAC and New Delphi Woman's across him. As I said earlier, there are a ton of majors and minors clubs at Adelphi that can help you enhance your future professional career. Um, so personally, for my clubs, they require monthly meetings as well as community service, but each club an organization, differs. Um, you can also join easily by showing up to meeting or contacting our center of student involvement, which is R. C. s I we call it, um and I have all the information, um, whether in the office or online, whatever you prefer. Even if you don't want to join But you want to attend an event that they're hosting, you can just get the information from C. S I as well as from the organizations or any of these social media pages that they have.