Yu's Typical Saturday At UCSB

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Going to be showing you What a typical Saturday Here. Let's just check out what my roommates are doing today. We even I, uh there's a cleaning day, and then we're about to head to the beach in about ten ish minutes. So what is everyone doing today? Any homework? No, no, it's, um, readings. I honestly feel like I want to take the bus, which we get for free. Okay, so right now we're heading towards the beach. There's also like a bunch of different beaches that you go to. So we're just going to campus point, I believe, which is one of the more well known. Once I'd say, here's a couple of our friends raid so and Caitlin, they're gonna be joining us all. Get a beach, and I hope you enjoy watching our typical Saturday So this is also part of any capo, which is where we live. Another thing you can do You see a sweet ISS you can just shell out on the lawn. There's a lot of grass area, right? They are doing some homework like great UCC students Dio Keep it up, guys, keep it up. This is a beach that's about sounds like a six seven minute walk from where we tonight. UCSB Basically, we woke up clean their rooms, came to the beach, and then we did some homework. We're about to head to deal G, which is one of our dining comments, and then I'm just gonna hang out with some friends.