Working Out at the Recreation Center!

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So I have a little bit of time in between my classes. Uh, so I'm headed to the rec center to get a workout in. So I'm gonna take you around and show you what we have to offer, and we're gonna go up floor by floor. Like I said, Wear on the bottom for the wreck right now, Scott. Um, we offer a group X classes there, which is basically exercise classes. We've all different kinds of things way Have body pump, yoga, P ninety eggs, Milady's just about anything. Think of And sometimes we'll have special events that they will advertise on this board. Like tonight, they're having yoga under the stars. Mostly the racquetball courts and studio. So let's go ahead and go upstairs and check out the weightlifting floor. Our It's our Olympic size swimming pool that we have on campus. We have diving borns, high dive load, I've platform dive, all that stuff. Actually, fun story about that, the way that my best friend's wass way live right next door, right next door to each other last year, freshman year and I asked them, Do you want to go play? Basketball? Became my roommates, and I said yes, and we've been friends ever since, So this is mostly for athletic swimming in first swimming and diving teams to practice it. If you want to take a more leisurely swim right over here, we have the Andrews pool. The Andrews pool is more like a recreational poor pool, less like a sport fool. They also have a hot tub, so students or people in the community can come and use the pool. Just hang out like, especially during the winter months. I like to come here and just go for a swim and get out of the winter cold for a bit. Well, the wellness connection will put on different events throughout the school year. So right over here we have our basketball courts behind me, and above that, there is above ground track. You can go to the front desk and you can rent out basketball, volleyball, soccer balls. You know, that stuff over twenty different intramural. A sports team vanishing from, you know, soccer, baseball with basketball to quit it flag, even bowling hockey and a lot of different stuff. You take a look at these glass panels right behind me. Are our volleyball court slash indoors? Uh, Stan and I know people. So this next part of the wreck is our weightlifting floor. So this section over here is primarily guided waits. If you need a little bit more help when are lifting. I like to spend a lot of time on the weightlifting floor. Then over here in this area we have most of our squad racks are freeway and a couple more. We have our area for stretching and has lots of mats. So that is our weightlifting for So we're gonna head upstairs and check out our cardio floor, which is the last. We have a lip schools, They're climbers, Stationary bikes. Then right over here in this area, we have a couple little extra thing hopes. An area for a few more free weights right there. We have lots of areas for stretching a few decent words by yourself. So you really nice equipment? Still in really nice facilities. I'm here almost every day is good place, you know, de stress workout and get some, as they say.