Why transfer to Temple? Interview with Nate!

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Hi, My name'S Nathan on the hospitality and tourism management major. You're fresher, which isn't too far from sounds. There's a lot of hotels and other hospitality related things in the cities. One of the reason it's US samples because the student faculty ratios fourteen one. That's really awesome because you get the attention that you need and you don't get mixed in with everyone else. They're challenging but also very doable for the average, too. I love being in the city and having access toe, be able to go downtown and, you know, go to fun events and everything like that museum. So the only thing that wass Ivan adjustment for me, it was I came from Montgomery County Community College, where the crosses are a lot smaller, and I have my first lecture this semester. So going from a class of about thirty people, three hundred, that was a little bit of a change. You don't get the exact this country from the teacher that you want, but it's really cool because they have t a's. They also have students doing internships, and you could go and study with them, and you know if you have questions. So even though it was definitely a change, it was an easy transition just because of all the support that you have a place for you. My lecture is macroeconomics, which I thought was pretty first. Like I said, if you go to the study sessions, I mean there's so many things that place to help you guys succeed. So it's really you're not left in the dark like there's a lot of options for you guys to people. They in the S H program, sports tours in the hospitality. They send you a weekly updates on those give you internship opportunities. They give you tutoring, opportunities, all the things that are going around on campus. My major you're required to do to sit a professional organizations, impulses that internships and they send you that. So it's like you really don't have to look hard day fellas requirements because it's not like they're enabling you but they're really just helping you out.