Why I chose Macalester

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I just wanted to tell you guys a little bit about why I chose McAllister. Coming from, uh, suburban town of Phoenix outside of Phoenix, I knew I wanted to go somewhere radically, weatherwise different. I wanted to experience season, so I wasn't in the word is slightest bit worried. I actually was on my list to go to a place where it would snow and cold. Like all of those things like McAllister is McAllister has for him. Minnesota has four seasons, which I really, really like and I've come to enjoy, uh, right now, it's the first week of October, and, uh, the leaves are certainly change and fall, and it's beautiful. I really, really like it, huh? So that element didn't even faze me at all. On they do did know that I wanted to go to a small college. I went to a small high school with less than 100 people in my graduating class, and I knew that it was something I was interested in. Um, and finally, the other thing that really played into it was like a liberal arts college and that sort of element of being, you know, at a place where they will support you and let you take your time to determine your major. I still don't know what my major is, which is really nice. Allows me a lot of academic flexibility, So all of those elements really contributed to it. Um, and then being close and in the Twin Cities was a really amazing chance, a chance to experience culture and see different things. I got the chance to go with the student newspaper to the final four media days that were that were held break before the final Final Four about men's basketball championship was held Minneapolis. So that's another really great opportunity to take advantage of some of those things that are just part of being in a city, being in cities in a major metropolitan area. So that's really those are some of the elements that really took advantage of and wanted to go to.