What You Need to Have? Dorm Room Essentials

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Some doorman essentials? Well, I would definitely have a purifier. Look, they have water fountains, but like something you don't leave your room. Do you think that you shouldn't have a fridge or shoot me like you should probably text, choose who's gonna be a roommate? Yeah. Is that what you did? I did, actually, cause my roommate had a fridge from her brother. I went to college, and so I just texted her, and she said, Hey, I'll bring the French and we just share that. Okay? I do know two girls, both brother on fridge, and they have plenty of space in the room, so Okay, cool. What is it? Potluck is where you pick a random roommate and, well, school picks for for you or Yes, there's next year. It's girls dorms and storms, which is really nice because you can kind of like, you know, that's actually really accurate because in the showers and getting turned down the hallway. My roommate is from Lone Grove, and I'm actually for Oklahoma City. So I met her on enrollment day and just text her a little bit and okay, back to the room Essentials. What else do you think you would add? I would add a few love. Well, like a certain, like if you love drinking tea. I bring a lance and a near her because there's only one mirror in the room. Girls, you might need more than one for two people. Tio, This is the best thing I've ever bought in my life. Like, if I wanted to work to get, I got a target and it wraps around. There's a lot to it's got you got You said.