WHAT?! You don't have a quad?

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Baker doesn't have a quad. So because we're such a small school, it's, like, literally located in a few blocks. There's not really space for a giant main quad, so we have this rotunda back here. I'm gonna use my banana's a pointer if you don't mind. We have, um, the great barber back there, and then we have another rotunda outside the union. There's a lot of green grass, beautiful green grass over here, over here and over here on DSO, students really take advantage of that space to hammock. It's like a little trampoline where you spike a ah, a yellow ball onto the net. Then it shoots back up at you and you play in a circle. It's really fun, super popular, and people just like studio here lay out their blankets. It's the evening right now is That's where there aren't a lot of people buzzing around me, but that's kind of you know how it is. There isn't really a main quad, so people spread out. There's ever little events sometimes will do tables over here in the grass that rotunda over there that I mentioned earlier through the grape arbor. They have lots of different table ing type things over. S a C Student activities council's something super fun to get involved in. There's always something to do, like every single night, and they're in charge of that. Sometimes we'll have snow cones, all kinds of fun stuff. Even though we don't have a quad, campus is always popping.