What to bring to college vlog

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My dark circles are worse and a little sanity that I have is slightly more gone. So rather drink this instead TV, which I'm kind of putting off packing by doing this moment of reflection. Like actually collecting Understand, you like picking on that TV. And today I'm coming adieu with my college pack with me blob, Which is kind of weird, because actually now in college and I've been in college, but I never felt like it interprets videos. Like didn't buy myself cause I don't want to buy stuff early If I didn't know all the details like who? What type of dorm I was gonna have, who I was dealing with and all that. So I really left all my packing shopping and just everything for, like, the week before moving. You're going to see all the mental breakdowns that entail because it was literally a disaster. So that's how that's going way have makeup, makeup brushes, everything in here. Basically, I'm gonna keep these open frail, but when I'm ready to pack them up and go off this, tape it down and this is done hold. I'm going to get my skin care stuff, So yeah, one thing done. Kind of looks like something threw up all over this room, but I decided to make this be packing. Headquarters wants some things packed, but here, so easy to take from the car because I got a lot of new stuff, as you can see in front. Yes, there's a lot of stuff from the woods in particular. My roommate has that along with, like, a thing to put your dishes in When you drive them this scale, we want this a while ago next from target. So rather drink this instead. And then, lastly, random miscellaneous stuff I got this is a gift a while ago, A set of bowl. So I have a couple where because they look a little something super cute on this. That's basically all I have to go back to packing. L fit for basically the rest of this videos I'm wearing, like all the stuff of knocking over. So? So what I've done is I've stimulated a simulated, recreated my college closet. Who's roughing up here on this big? Probably a little smaller in my sister's closet. Oh, she's gonna help me figure out what I should pack up. Really? It looks like it's a little, but it's really not is just cause I have those finesse hangers going on. That's what looks I'm gonna go back, not doing well. I will see you tomorrow when I'm doing even worse. Because homesickness is so really I haven't even left yet and I'm already sad Oh, that day and I feel like every single day my dark circles are worse and a little sanity that I have is slightly more gone, but grocery shopping and come at you with another hall. Girl needs mean words like if we're together, we'll have passed a breakfast packed stuff for lunch. It's fine, and then I got to pays because I need to keep my shiny teeth and me shot achieve me hand sanitizer because I actually touched Bird put today and I was having a mental breakdown. Now I could be prepared for the mental breakdowns will actually clean stuff. God and I have to pack all this stuff and my other stuff and the clothes and we've forgotten by the garbage bags to my clothes. We're gonna use kitchen ones that smell the Elevens, all my cold. Do you think about it? If I keep saying I'm not doing well, I will do not. Logging in the night because in the day I'm just doing everything else. Have to finish up my packing, get like the last couple things done, and we'll be good to go, Which is crazy because I've been looking forward to moving day like all summer and now it's less than 24 hours away. I'm always getting injured, basically done all the houses TV, which I'm kind of putting off packing by doing this, a moment of reflection. Like actually reflecting understand you picking at that TV? Anybody who says Simmons Week is like, I just want everyone to know that I'm just casually holding a TV like this whole thing. Immediately after cold in the van, we realized that one. We forgot the makeup and I was like, It's okay, I'll just make from the morning anyways and I'll put that in tomorrow. Yes yeah, that's basically the end of the pack with me. From now we're starting the moving flog That's kind of great deep, but you guys don't see the moving block subscribe. So I'll be going out very soon after this video and special. Will be so m o. But yeah, I hope you guys intensity or go to big thumbs up and I'll see you.