What the Social Work Faculty Love About Teaching

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One of the main things that I love about Bloomsbury is the awesome relationship that I get to have with my professors and that they're so passionate about their job. So today I'm going upstairs and McCormick to interview the social Department and ask them what exactly they love about seizing. Within this video, you're going to hear from three different professors within the social work department. These individuals teach at three different stages within the social work program. First, you're gonna hear from Dr Felker, who teaches the introductory to practice and what social work actually is. Second, you're gonna hear from Dr Dunlap, who starts to build up the skills and our social work students. Finally, you're going to hear from Dr Erdely, who helps the students with policy level work of social work and figuring out where in the field of social work they want to apply these skills. Hey, Huskies, how you doing? I am Dr Felker from the social program here at Bloomsburg University and still take a few seconds to talk about why I'm passionate about our introductory practice course in our sequence. A lot of people learn a lot of theories, and Clarence and a lot of us go to class and study. We teach you how to intervene and how to work with people in a very practical way. Not only do we go over in class, but we look ATT, illustrations and videos and practice examples. Most importantly, then we take those skills and go out of the service hours in the field. So there's an in the field component is in addition to this school component, which students really loved because you know that this is the career for you. I'm one of social work professors here at Bloomsburg University. Part of my job on what I love teaching about students here, Bloomsburg is helping new social workers develop the specific skills that they will need to be able to help people in any setting at any level of work, in terms of working with individuals or working with groups are working with large communities. I'm also really invested in social justice work and helping new social workers become change agents in the world, so you should come join us. My name is Dr Shiloh Earthly CASS, and I am the field director here at Bloomsburg University Social Work Program. So my role is to help students with macro level practices in the policy course and then also to start preparing students for their internship, which is by far one of the most enjoyable experiences for students in our program. Because it's when they really start to put the concepts that they learn in our program into practice in the field, on internships all across our commonwealth. So we have social work students in hospital settings, at school, social work settings in prison settings. I'm working with military and all different areas of practice. So that is the most awesome part of my job, because I am fortunate enough to get to work with students in helping them integrate the concepts that they learn throughout the program and then bring them Thio, the policy class where we really start to do some social problem analysis with the issues that students are really passionate about. That is how the students often decide how they want to go about finding the internship setting that is right for them. I really love that part of my job because that's where students get to really figure out and learn where they're passion and love is for social work. It's by far one of the most enjoyable experiences that I've had here it here at Bloomsburg University, working with students and our local communities, Theo..