what the first week of college is really like (classes parties & more)

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You know what the first week of college is really like? Because you guys want to know. We're gonna be talking about the first week of college, the arguably most hitter mess period of time in college. I mean, if your transfer student or if you're an upperclassman and just up college amnesia and don't remember what the first week was like, stick around and let's go down memory lane. So as I said, the first week is a pretty hit or miss time. Don't let that scare you, because the first week of something that most people never forget at least I haven't forgotten my pursuit. There are three to protect emotions you are guaranteed to feel in your first week, and that is a state of confusion, state of feeling lost and just being surprised. So in order to talk about what the first week is really like, I need to break it down into four four sections. So let's get into the 1st 1 So the first thing you need know about first week is that you're going to be experiencing a lot of what I like to call first week bigness and again, not a bad thing. So instead of being like, Hey, what's up? I'm like, Hey, what's up? I'm really like that because the bull for a lot of people during the first week, it's make as many friends as possible and to not be on loan so everyone's gonna be super extras. You could possibly find a good friend or you can find some decent first week, threatens to kick it with ditch eventually never talked to again because that happens to first week. Said this in multiple videos before, But first league friends are real. So all this fakeness generally slows down by at the latest the first month. Once the first month is over, people kind of find their people in our as outgoing as they once were, because they're not necessarily as outgoing in real life anyway, much of what it means. It is just introductions because professors know that a lot of people added drop classes during this time, so we're not gonna get into super heavy material unless you're in like a super high level class going into your first year, which, if you do, could see you. It's really just like the easiest thing ever, and you're just wasting your first week. First week is still of this weekend, so this week should be easy. Don't get too attached to people until after I drop is over, because you could find your best friend the first day and then find out they're not in your class anymore. How are you in your first class? So either full of seven, that friendship during your first class or just accept that you'll never see them again and just make some friends. One class actually starts, but know that really matters if you can't get the class, which is something that a lot struggle with, and that is something that I struggled during the first week is getting the class and finding out where my classes actually are, because whether you have a small campus or a big campus, be destruction, funny little schedule or never helpful enough because they say, like the 1st 3 letters of your building and then like the room number, like how? How is that helpful to me? I don't know what monitor 1 16 is okay. Men are generally really helpful towards first years because everyone's been through the same experience and everyone wants to help out. First time I'm actually doing this, so let's get into it. So the first week of first couple of weeks of school is a prime time party season. Go crazy your first week, but always end up getting shut down. Yeah, preferred that to I'd say that regardless of your party first or not, you're going to end up in a party for some kind of function during your first week. Even if you're not a party person, I recommend that you go to at least one your first week or not your first year because you never known to you try and it's a good way to make friends like you make a lot of friends and parties, and you don't always need to be doing the unwholesome stuff either. During your first week to see that freshman, you'll either know that freshman or you'll deed that freshman. Let's not catch a case our first week, huh? Moving hard is your room. So for a lot of people, your first week of college is gonna be your first week actually living with other people. Roommates for me, I was in a quiet and it felt weird my first night sleeping with three other people in the room. Generally overall, the first week is pretty good because, like I said in the beginning of the video, a lot before. During the first week now people want to show their ugly X. I have really found their friends to deal with the ugly it so first week should be fine. The responsibility really kicks in the first week, and you're gonna feel that responsibility almost immediately. Well, maybe not immediately, but after the first a couple of days you'll start feeling it. The next thing you're definitely gonna see during your first week is a ton of student organizations stuff. So just climb all the free market you can as almost there just like shirts and stuff you can get like one bottle, one pop socket from like one place you don't need, like 50 of those in the file component to what the first week of college is really like is the food. We have basically the equivalent to a debit card, like a campus debit card that we use a different restaurants around campus and that first week the food is hidden so hard. Can we just take a moment of silence for how many taste buds are going to be rocked the first week? Thank you. Food will be delicious that first week, and I'm not so sure about how it is for a like general Cafeteria. I'm pretty sure the food is pretty good the first week because the cafeteria people wanna impress because parents are still around and want to make sure that what they're paying for is being used effectively. People who are seniors deal with that because I'm already like, not looking forward to it because I am tired of the food complete First world problem.